San'yas Indigenous Cultural Safety - Knowledge, Awareness, Action

Privacy Notice

We are committed to maintaining confidentiality and personal privacy. Collection, use, disclosure and retention of personal information is subject to, and must comply with, the provisions of the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

The purpose of this privacy notice is to describe our practices regarding personal information use and collection through this website. Please note that we do not disclose, give, sell or transfer any personal information about our website visitors unless required for law enforcement or otherwise provided for by law.

We reserve the right to update this notice at any time. Users are responsible for reviewing this document periodically for changes.

What is personal information?

Personal information means recorded information about an identifiable individual other than contact information. This would include, but is not limited to, such things as an individual’s name, address, e–mail, phone number, current position, education level, age, gender, and ancestry.

What kind of information is being collected and how is it used?

PHSA Indigenous Cultural Safety (ICS) Training Program is authorized to collect personal information via this website under section 26(c) of FIPPA for the purposes described below. Information is collected from the website either directly from you or automatically.

Information collected directly from you:

Personal information is collected through this website in certain circumstances, such as when you send an email message to us or register for the training. We only use the personal information you provide to us through this website for purposes consistent with its collection such as responding to and processing requests for and about the training program.

You should also be aware that information provided by you through this website becomes a record of the organization and is subject to the access and privacy protection requirements set out in FIPPA. This information may be further collected, used and disclosed in accordance with FIPPA or as otherwise required by law. Furthermore, we will use such information, in an anonymized form, for the following specific purposes associated with the training program: research and quality improvement; statistical analysis, education, and business purposes. You are entitled to access and correct any of your personal information that is within our custody and control under FIPPA. You may make such requests by contacting the privacy representative listed below.

Information collected automatically (Cookies):

Some of our web pages use “cookies” which are small amounts of information stored by your web browser software on your work station. Cookies are designed to track browsing history on a website generally for the convenience of the user. They help the website “remember” what areas of a website a browser has accessed or used previously. Cookies can, however, be misused, and have become a privacy concern for some because they can be used to record and analyze an individual’s broader browsing history.

The cookies we use on this site and what we use them for are described below. This site operates on ‘implied consent’, which means that by visiting and clicking through the site, we assume you agree with this usage. If you do not agree, then you should not use this site, or you can delete the cookies after visiting this site, or use your browser’s anonymous usage setting (called “Incognito” in Chrome, “In Private” for Internet Explorer, “Private Browsing” in Firefox and Safari).

More information on cookies, what they are used for and how to delete cookies after visiting this site can be found at

It is important to know that cookies are plain text files and cannot execute files or make copies of themselves. They do not carry or deliver viruses and cannot scan or retrieve your personal information. There are two types of Cookies — Session and Persistent.

Session Cookies

Session cookie information is deleted as soon as you leave our website. The use of temporary session cookies is solely for the purpose of allowing the user to interact with our website in an effective manner. An example of how session cookies help is when you enter information in a form and accidentally click the back button and then the forward button to get back to the form — the session cookie keeps the information in the form and you don’t have to re–enter it.

Persistent Cookies

In a few cases our website may use cookies to store information for longer periods than the current session. This is required for log–in purposes.

Analytics Cookies

We use a website analytics tool called Matomo ( to analyze site usage, what visitors do on the site, which browser they use etc. This information allows us to understand how our site is being used so that we can improve the user experience. Matomo is hosted on our own servers so we can limit who has access to statistics and usage details. We collect only the following information as you browse through our website:

We collect this information for statistical purposes and for evaluating our website to make it more useful to visitors. We use IP addresses to generate geographic–related statistics, and to help administer the site, in general. We make no attempt to link addresses with the identities of individuals visiting our site.

Information collected by Matomo is retained indefinitely to track usage patterns over an extended period of time.


We are obligated to protect your personal information by making reasonable security arrangements against such risks as unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure or disposal. Security measures have been integrated into the design, implementation, and day–to–day operating practices as part of our continuing commitment to the protection of personal information we hold.

Social Media Buttons

You might see ‘social media buttons’ on some of our sites. Social media buttons let visitors share or bookmark web pages, and are often identifiable by the +sign with Share beside it. There may be buttons for: Twitter, Facebook ‘Like’, LinkedIn ‘Share’, StumbleUpon, Digg and others. In order to connect social buttons to the relevant external sites, there are scripts from those domains, which are outside of this site. Those sites could be collecting information about what you are doing all around the internet, including this site. To be certain what information those sites collect, and how to opt out, check the respective policies of each site.


You should be aware that information sent to our website over the Internet is not secure. This means that if the visitor uses the Contact Us page, or other e–mail addresses published on this site, to send an e–mail, the information provided may be intercepted as it travels to our website. We will not be responsible for any loss or damage suffered as a result of the transmission of information that is sent to us or for any errors or changes made to transmitted information.

Related Links

The PHSA ICS website may contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these websites or the accuracy or reliability of any content found on such sites.

Contact Us

For questions about the collection or use of your personal information or the content of this notice, contact:

Director, Privacy Governance and Operations
200 - 1333 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V6H 4C1

If you have any questions regarding the training program offered through this website, contact:

San’yas Registrar


Copyright © 2013. Provincial Health Services Authority. All Rights Reserved.